SEO Services Cebu

SEO Services Cebu, Philippines that help the visibility of your website.

Dan Corner Site offers a wide range of services, such as keyword research, content optimization, website audit, and more. Providing valuable insights into the latest trends in digital marketing by doing data benchmarking in Google Analytics. Businesses can increase their visibility online through brand optimization which can lead to more sales to their websites. Here at Dan Corner Site, a Philippine-based SEO, businesses can take advantage of all the benefits of a quality SEO cycle.

Do you see yourself working with Dan?

Perks of working with an SEO Specialist based in the Philippines

Deliberates with punctuality
Beacon of learning
Quality SEO cycle for startups
Communications and Gap Solutions oriented


Frequently Asked Questions

The average hours that Dan Corner Site works is 4 hours per site/per client.

Dan Corner site is negotiable to service packages. Take a quick look on DCS’ pricing page.

Dan Corner Site’s website audit is free but has a follow up call data reporting, which is also free. 

Dan Corner Site submits website audit within 48 hours upon successfully booking for a free site audit.

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Reach your target prospects with your optimized website. Book for a free website audit!

Hire Dan Corner Site Today!

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