SEO dan Corner Site FAQs

SEO Cebu by Dan Corner Site is not complete without its FAQ page. Daniella provides thorough SEO services and guidance to assist organizations in achieving their objectives for an online presence. Daniella has organized this FAQ page to make certain that clients have all the information they need to make knowledgeable decisions regarding her SEO working hours and services, and more.

The average hours that Dan Corner Site works is 4 hours per site/per client.

Dan Corner site is negotiable to service packages. Take a quick look on DCS’ pricing page.

Dan Corner Site’s website audit is free but has a follow up call data reporting, which is also free.

Dan Corner Site submits website audit within 48 hours upon successfully booking for a free site audit.

Video conference for the monthly data reporting for progress is done every first Friday of the month.

Reach your target prospects with your optimized website. Book for a free website audit!

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